Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Women and the Priesthood

I missed February. I feel terrible. I made a promise to myself that I would blog at least once a week and then I go a miss a whole month. I guess it's because I will be starting graduate school in the summer; I have been working on scholarships and a manuscript to apply for a Creative Writing Certificate. No excuses though.

I heard something interesting on a podcast the other day. It was about Women and the Priesthood. There are some people who have a problem with the Catholic Church's stance that the priesthood is reserved for men. This can often be seen as anti-woman or a male-superior stance.

Quite the contrary. The Catholic Church has always held Mary, the Mother of God, in a place of high honor. In fact, God chose her to stand out compared to all other human beings. The holiest human (besides Christ Himself), was a woman--Mary. She said herself "Generations will call me blessed..." (Luke 1:48) The Catholic Church does just that.

Knowing this, don't you think it is interesting that Mary, who, by the grace of God, was the holiest human who has ever lived, was not a priest? It's because she is a woman and she was called to a much different role. It would be incredibly difficult for a mother to be a priest. How could she care for her children in the best way possible while also caring for a parish?

Not only that, but women represent the receiving role in a loving relationship. Symbolically and physically, women are the receivers while men are the givers. In the marriage between Christ and His Church, we, His Church, are the Bride of Christ, the receivers, while Jesus is the bridegroom. Priests on earth represent the role of Christ, the bridegroom, the giver, therefore it is fitting that they would be men.

So, that was a lot in a short amount of time, but it is late, and I think I will dissect it better later.

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